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Our customers speaking about their experiences.
The Keyworth Experience
Abbey: The Therapy Dog
Bailey: The Smartest and the Cutest
Begg: Just "Thanks"
Bongo: Costa Rica Bound
Boomer: Boomer's Healing Hugs
Cane and Turbo: Regards from M&M
Cherry: Agile
Cooper: Impressing the Vet
Diezel: Smokin' Hot
Dylan and MJ: Double the Love
Emma: Flyball Queen
Ginger: Sharing is Good
Handcock: Just Waiting for a Name
Harley: A Veteran's Dream Puppy
Jasper: Life's a Beach
Joker: Tons of Fun
Jordan: Another Win/Win
Lilah's First Day
Logan: Super-Logan
Lola: magical therapy puppy
Luna: Luna the Excellent
Mango: A Day Filled with Smiles
Oscar and Bella: Long & Lean vs. The Hunk
Penny: Awesome
Piper: Search and Rescue
Quigley: The Doctor of Love
Riley: Hitting it Off
Rosie: Love and Joy
Ruby: Perfect Partner
Sadie: Our Perfect Dog
Swiersz: Bonding
Slash: Frisbee™ Wizard
Sol: Sol Means "Star"
Sydney: Calming kindess
Sunni: Sunni is a Delight
Tango: Two to Tango
Tango 2
Ursa: The Aussie Grin
Yonko: Sloppy Kisser
From the Owner of Buckingham Ranch Aussies
© 2015 Karen Redmond, Owner, Buckingham Ranch Aussies, Lee County, Fort Myers, Florida Breeder of Fine Australian Shepherds - Aussie Puppies Occasionally Available for Sale, Mini Zebus, Parrots